A Year in Review

This blog was started one year ago tonight, it started out as a 1 year project to tell the stories of Entrepreneurs living with Chronic Illness. It has turned into so much more than that, and for that I say Thank you to everyone who has allowed me to tell their stories and thank you […]

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Marguerita Cheng

Chronic illnesses can take many different forms and affect people’s lives in many different ways. Some people live most of their lives with their chronic, others are diagnosed later in life. Marguerita Cheng was diagnosed with asthma at just five years of age. Her chronic is one she’s learnt to manage and thrive with throughout […]

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Jay Crisp Crow

It’s no wonder Jay Crisp Crow works in words – when you land on her website, it’s a sassy, engaging and above all, real, story that takes you on a journey – a little like her life. Jay is a professional writer, copywriting teacher, speaker and self-identified #fullsickbusinesschick. She helps women find the right words to […]

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Kerrie Mercel

Kerrie Mercel has taken many leaps in her life – she’s a qualified chef, a scuba diving centre owner, award winning property developer, and now the founder of Clarity – a range of products to help people tap into their desires, release feelings that are holding them back, and embrace abundance. She has always been […]

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Achim Schlemmer

Achim Schlemmer was 29 years old when he was diagonosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Shortly after, he began working as an entrepreneur and hasn’t looked back. Now working in consultancy, project management and strategy for online projects, Achim lives his life in a small provincial town in Germany, doing what he loves. Read his story here. […]

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Taz Dunstan

For Taz Dunstan, being a chronic entrepreneur means being an invincible business woman. After a car accident resulted in severe damage to the cervical discs in her spine, it left her with chronic pain and limited mobility. She’d been an avid adventurer, hiker, mountaineer and ‘thrill seeker’ and she was told that she would never […]

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Rachael Robinson

When Rachael Robinson was twenty years old she was diagnosed with her chronic condition, Trigeminal neuralgia. The condition affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensations and feelings from your face to your brain. This means the condition can trigger excruciating pain along the face from small actions such as brushing your teeth or even talking. […]

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Elana Marlo

Elana Marlo’s chronic illness has progressed and evolved over her life. First diagnosed in 2004, her symptoms grew as she moved through life. As she so beautifully articulates below, when she decided to accept where she was and what she needed and stopped trying to be anything else, she finally came to a place of […]

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Sharon Pegrum

Sharon Pegrum knows the power of validation – she lived for years with a condition called Pyrroles disorder which can manifest in social anxiety, depression, mood swings, poor stress control and many more symptoms. In 2017 she was diagnosed with Pyrroles disorder and has since been working with her naturopath to address vitamin deficiency and […]

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Ramy Al-Kadhi

Ramy Al-Kadhi shares a slightly different story – while he doesn’t live with a chronic illness, he lives with permanent damage to his brain. In Sri Lanka in 2016, he was involved in a dangeous moped crash where he came off the bike and landed on his head. He was lucky to survive and the […]

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